Approach to Sustainability
The idea that companies belong to not only their shareholders but also their employees and society has long permeated every aspect of the EKK Group’s management. Given the imperative of taking action toward realizing a sustainable society, including by addressing climate change, we established the Sustainability Committee in April 2021 and have been advancing activities accordingly.
Referencing sustainability guidelines, ESG ratings and other relevant inputs, the committee will discuss and decide on priority ESG issues (materiality) on behalf of the EKK Group and promote business activities that take into account not only economic principles but also societal mores by, for example, developing environmentally friendly manufacturing processes.
Additionally, we will expedite development of environmentally friendly products with a focus on environmental preservation and energy efficiency while contributing to attainment of the SDGs through growth in our core businesses.
The Sustainability Committee’s Composition and Activities
The EKK Group’s Priority ESG Issues (Materiality)
FY2023: Important issues (Materiality) | Policy themes | Relevant SDGs | |
E |
Environmental managementBased on our Environmental Policy, we work to maintain an environmental management regime and carry ou tenvironmental preservation activities. |
S |
Quality assuranceTo us, product quality problems risk the loss of stakeholders’ trust and are even an existential threat to the organization. Therefore, we are constantly striving to improve the quality of our products toward maintaining a level of product quality that customers can rely on and guaranteeing the same quality level all over the world. |
Human resource policies based on respect for human dignity“Management that respects human dignity based on commitment and trust” is part of the EKK Group Management Philosophy. To put this into practice, we endeavor to create fulfilling workplaces where all employees can give full play to their respective capabilities. |
Social contribution activitiesWe carry out a range of activities to benefit society on an ongoing basis with the aim of being a trusted corporate citizen by the local communities where we have our Group locations. We host community events at our sites and sponsor events open to local residents. We also proactively support activities of NPOs and academic organizations and sponsor local sports teams. |
Occupational health and safetyBased on a core conviction that safety is not only fundamental to management that respects human dignity but also a personal desire and mission of all Group personnel, we strive to create safe workplace environments with a top priority on employees’ health and safety. |
Supply chain managementWe conduct sourcing activities fairly and impartially in accord with policies we have established on doing business with partner companies, including manufacturers of product materials, metal parts and resin parts and processing, surface treatment and assembly subcontractors, to enable us to meet product liability and other requirements for the EKK Group’s diverse products. |
G |
Corporate governanceWe are committed to organizational governance and appropriate disclosure in accordance with Japan’s Corporate Governance Code, as well as fair competition and business execution. |
Risk managementRisk management becomes increasingly important for a company as its activities become more diverse and globalized. We have accordingly established the Risk Management Subcommittee under the Sustainability Committee and are working to improve risk-preparedness. |
Information securityWith advances in DX in business activities and other factors, information security is growing in importance. Therefore, we are working to strengthen our information security management regime, educate our employees to raise their security awareness and take countermeasures both during emergencies and to address vulnerabilities in our systems. |