Our concepts of Sustainability
The idea that companies belong to not only their shareholders but also their employees and society has long permeated every aspect of the EKK Group’s management.
We believe that building strong bonds of trust through dialogue with all stakeholders, including customers, suppliers and lenders, leads to fair profits and supports the EKK Group’s perpetual growth.
ESG Initiatives
We promote activities in each of the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) themes.
Our Policies
Corporate Report Download
EKK Group Milestones
Message from the President
Our Value Creation Process
Our Business Capital
Our Businesses
Medium-Term Management Plan
FY2023 Performance and Outlook by Segment
Basic Capital Policy
Approach to Sustainability
Social / Human Rights and Labor Practice Initiatives
Social / Supply Chain Initiatives
Social / Social Contribution Initiatives
Social / Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives
Social / Quality Initiatives
Governance/ Corporate Governance
Governance/ Compliance / Risk Management
Major Financial and Non – Financial Date
Corporate Data