Social Contribution Initiatives
The EKK Group conducts various activities to contribute to society as a corporate citizen in accord with the EKK Charter of Corporate Behavior’s sixth Principle of Corporate Behavior, “As a good corporate citizen, we will actively support community activities and other similar activities.”
Local Initiative
Group companies throughout the world communicate with their local communities through such means as sponsoring local events, including summer festivals and gatherings on their premises. In FY2021, the pandemic precluded the hosting of summer festivals or other events at theGroup’s sites in Japan.
Donation and Sponsorship Activities
To help resolve societal issues and to support local communities outside of business activities, the EKK Group backs, among others, NPOs and scientific organizations, and sponsors some of the hometown sports teams where its plants are located. The Group also promptly donates funds to disaster relief whenever a major disaster occurs.
Social Contribution Activities of EKK Eagle (Thailand)
Support for the Ban Rai School and Lorenzo Home Orphanage
EKK Eagle (Thailand) Co., Ltd. is located in Thailand’s Chonburi province, and as part of its social contribution activities in the region, it supports the Ban Rai School and Lorenzo Home Orphanage, also located in Chonburi.
The Ban Rai School provides kindergarten through elementary school education and has a total of 108 students. Its students come from needy families and are able to attend thanks to aid from the government. EKK Eagle (Thailand) provides assistance with things such as school uniforms and educational materials. Additionally, EKK Eagle (Thailand) has donated play equipment to the Lorenzo Home Orphanage, which takes care of approximately 30 children.