Site Policy
This website ( is operated by Eagle Industry Co., Ltd. (“EKK”). Before using this website, please read these terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”). You may use this website only if you agree to the Terms and Conditions. Please be aware that the Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notice. If you use any of the content that contains the Terms and Conditions, please read them with caution before using such content.
EKK makes no warranties of any kind as to the accuracy, availability, reliability or safety of the content contained in the website. The content or URL is subject to change or deletion without notice. Any information contained in the website is not necessarily kept up to date. In no event will EKK be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of this website.
Intellectual property in website
The content (names, logos, marks, graphics, photographs, texts and other literary works) of EKK website is protected by the copyright law of each country, relevant treaties, and other laws. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, alteration, etc. of the content is prohibited other than that permitted by law.
Prohibited acts
The following acts are strictly prohibited when using this website:
- The following acts toward EKK or its affiliated companies, officers, or employees of EKK or its affiliated companies, or other entities (persons) or associations
- Acts that malign, libel, or threaten any of the above parties
- Acts that cause harm or damage to any of the above parties
- Acts that may impair the reputation of any of the above parties
- Acts that are or likely to be illegal
- Acts that offend public order and morals
Governing law and jurisdiction
This website is controlled by EKK. Access to this website may be made from any country in the world having laws different from those of Japan. A person accessing this site and EKK agree to be bound by the laws of Japan and ordinances of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government with respect to the use of this website.
EKK makes no description or representation of any kind whatsoever in this website that the content of this website is appropriate for the environment of the person accessing this website. Access to this website is at the discretion of the person accessing this website, and the person accessing this website assumes responsibility for his or her site use.
Any disputes arising out of these Terms and Conditions shall be submitted to the Tokyo District Court as the exclusive jurisdiction court for first instance, unless otherwise provided for.
Posting links to this website
Posting links to this website for profit making or non-profit purposes is permitted without prior notification to EKK, in principle. However, links to which any of the following applies or are likely to apply may not be posted to this website:
- Links from websites that libel or slander the products, services, etc. of EKK and the EKK Group or that contains content that causes damage to the credit of EKK or the EKK Group
- Links from websites that contain illegal information
- Links from websites that contain content that offends public order and morals and social ethics
- Links such as framing and image links that make it unclear that this website is the source of the information (links to this website should be posted in such a manner that by clicking on the link the entire screen switches to this website or another screen opens to display this website)
- Links that misrepresent EKK and the EKK Group as having any affiliation or relationship with the linked destination or that EKK and the EKK Group recognize or support the website of the linked destination.
Even if none of the above applies, we may ask that you change the method of posting a link or delete the link in some cases.
Please be aware that the URL of this website is subject to change or deletion without notice.
Linked sites
EKK will assume no responsibility of any kind for any inconvenience or damage that may arise in connection with a link posted by this website to another website operated by a third party.
Recommended environment
The following environments are recommended for accessing and more comfortably viewing this website.
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Recommended web browsers
Windows 10 Edge
mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
MacOSX12 Safari15
iPhone 13 mini : iOS15
GALAXY A52 5G: Android12
Recommended display / monitor resolution
1366×768 pixel or higher
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Adobe® Reader®
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This website uses secure socket layer technology (SSL), an encryption technology, to ensure the security of personal information, etc. that customers enter in this website. SSL encrypts the data entered from a computer of a customer before sending it through the network to a registered computer.